Buried Treasure:
Unearth Your
Golden Soul
By Amakiasu Turpin-Howze
Journey into deeper realms of the self....
Where Endless Treasures Await You!

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Like so many of us, Amakiasu has wondered about the mysteries of life and the human condition, especially the suffering, the injustice, and our ofttimes callous disregard for one another. She has concluded that we simply do not know who we are. But what if we did? What if everyone knew we were of God? What if children were taught that as beings of God, like God, we could create, manifest, and bring into being? What if giving and receiving unconditional love were as natural as breathing? Wouldn’t this change everything?
Hoping to lift children up and inspire them, Amakiasu spent over 30 years in the teaching profession. As she moved from public to private and homeschool settings, she raised three children and navigated the hardships of marital relationships twice. These personal challenges, along with other bumps in the road, caused Amakiasu to go within, seeking solace, understanding, and strength. This book represents the best of what she has culled from her readings, reflections, and awakenings. Buried Treasure: Unearth Your Golden Soul shares the most poignant concepts and universal principles contributing to her growth and peace.

"I have come to believe that emotional pain can be just as devastating as extreme physical pain and the road to recovery, as arduous, if not more so."
"I am convinced that knowing who we are at the core would change everything, from our individual universes to the wider complex world of relationships, communities, business models, nations, and beyond."
"Since we are of God, we have the attributes of God, and these attributes are the “image” to which the Bible refers. Eureka! We do not look like God but we are like God!"
"What we have need of, our salvation really, is buried just beneath the surface. I hope this book leads you there, right to your golden soul."
Thoughts From Amakiasu